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                    Take a look at what we have been up to...

Last Day Celebrations!

What a way to end the year! We had the BEST day at Farmer Teds to celebrate our school leavers! We had so much fun seeing so many animals! We even got to brush the ponies!! We got to ride mini tractors, diggers and loved riding the toboggans! We had a game of kicking the balls in the targets, throwing the bean bags at the targets - and this was all even before lunch!! We really did have the best day and we hope we made more memories that will last a life time 💜


Graduation 2024!

 Last week we said goodbye to our school leavers as we celebrated their graduation! It was such an emotional morning… seeing the children in their caps and gowns knowing they are more than ready for their journey in reception…. we’re just not ready to say goodbye 💜 The children did absolutely amazing - they chose the songs they wanted to sing and even sung a song using makaton! They talked about their favourite things in preschool and what they’re looking forward to in big school! Well done and congratulations to St Marks Preschool graduates 2024! We wish each and every child the best of luck for their future. We know they will go on and continue to be the superstars they all are 💜


Election Day

 In preschool we promote British Values on a daily basis. One of the British Values is “Democracy.” As part of promoting this British value we support and encourage the children to make decisions together. We ensure there are regular opportunities for our children to develop enquiring minds and provide an environment and an atmosphere where questions, thoughts and opinions are valued. We hold regular votes in preschool over various things but yesterday as it was Election day, we discussed this in a child friendly way and provided the children with a more visual learning experience of voting. The children needed to decide which book they wanted to vote for us to read at story time. We gave them 2 choices and encouraged them to think about which one they would like to share and why. Then they came to the polling station and cast their vote by placing the relevant card in the ballot box. Whichever story the children voted for they added a cube to a tower for that story. This allowed the children to see the immediate affect their vote had and encouraged thinking and discussions. “My vote made it bigger, we might win now!” When everyone had cast their vote we counted them in and found our winner!



  We have loved celebrating pride in preschool! We have encouraged everyone to think about the things that make us unique and celebrate each other! We have shared stories that have helped us consider similarities and differences between each other and had some very effective group times where we discussed the things that make us who we are and that we are all amazing! Today we all wore bright colours and enjoyed waving our flags to show we are who we are and we are proud! Well done preschool!


Come on England!

 Come on England! St Marks preschool have been getting into the football spirit and cheering England on ready for the match! We know you can score those goals and win! We’ll be cheering you on and waving our flags! We even enjoyed our very own football matches today!

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 This week we have enjoyed celebrating Eid in preschool!

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Safety Week - Road Safety!

 To extend on from our road safety session in preschool we were visited by the road safety team at St Helens council who delivered a fun, child friendly session on the importance of and how to keep safe on the roads! We listened to a story, joined in some roleplay as we discussed how we keep safe and got to share some handouts to take home to our families! This was such a valuable session!

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Safety Week - Fire Fighters!

 We were privileged enough to experience a visit from the fire brigade as part of our Child Safety workshops! The firefighters came to preschool and talked to us about keeping safe and knowing what to do in an emergency! The children listened so well and after our discussions we got to go outside and see the fire engine! Firefighter Mike and his team shown us their uniforms and even let us try some on! They shown us some of their equipment and even let us have a sit in the fire engine! To end our visit we got to spray the hose which was SO much fun!

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Safety Week Continued!

 This week we have had so much fun whilst learning valuable life lessons we hope our children will keep with them as they continue to grow up! This week we have been promoting Child Safety Week in preschool! We have covered many different aspects of how we can keep safe including keeping safe around water, what’s safe to put in our mouths, road safety, first aid and how the police help to keep us safe! This week we have visited our local park to take a look at the water and consider what’s important to keep safe around the water! We have also thought about we can and can’t put in our mouths and had a hands on experience chopping foods into safe sizes and shapes to prevent choking! We loved our visit from the police and this helped us think about if we don’t ever feel safe who to contact! We have enjoyed a road safety session where we enjoyed some imaginative role play acting out different scenarios and thinking what we can do to keep safe when crossing the roads! We have ended the week thinking about first aid and if we do ever become hurt or find someone else we know what to do! We think we can safely say it’s been a very successful “safety week” and we hope we have provided our children with activities and experiences they will remember and intimately will keep them safe!

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Safety Week!

 Today as part of our activities and experiences we have been providing to promote child safety week we have been fortunate enough to be visited by Merseyside Police! The police officers came into preschool to help us understand and know that the police are always here to help us if we ever need them. Mario and Evie talked to the children about what to do if anyone ever got lost of if they needed help. We got to have a look at and even try on some of the police officers uniform and also try out some of the things they use such as their radios, handcuffs and batons! Then we got to go outside and have a look at and even sit inside the police car! Mario and Evie even put the lights and sirens on for us! This was such a lovely experience for the children and by the end of the visit everyone was confident around the police officers and have learnt that the police are kind, friendly and there to help us when we need it and help to keep us safe! #childsafetyweek

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First Aid!

Some of the St Marks team have been busy today, renewing their first aid training and refreshing their knowledge!

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Happy St George’s Day!

We’ve had so much fun learning about and celebrating St George’s Day in preschool!


World Book Day 2024!

We’ve had the best day celebrating world book day 2024! We’ve spent the day bringing lots of our most loved stories to life! We enjoyed feeding the caterpillar and some sensory spaghetti play from the story “The Very Hungry Caterpillar!” We enjoyed some frozen, glittery water in our water tray with a “Frozen” theme! The sand tray resembled a portion of “Gruffalo Crumble” and our tuff tray was filled with enhancements from the story “Goldilocks and the three bears”! Our construction area was transformed into the houses from “The three little pigs” and our small world area became the scenes from the story “Squash and a Squeeze”! We enjoyed a lovely tea party in our home corner - luckily no tigers came to this tea party! And our creative area saw the creation of the most beautiful rainbow fishes you have ever seen! Throw in a stay and play session and we think we’ve had the best world book day ever! Thank you so much to all of our families for taking the time to come to our stay and play and also for the amazing costumes your children came in today! We love bringing stories and songs to life every day at St Marks preschool but World Book Day gives us even more of a reason! #bringstoriestolife #makelearningfun #sparkimagination


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What fun we’ve been having in preschool! We’ve been learning about and celebrating a few events this week! From pancake day, to Valentine’s Day to Chinese New Year! To celebrate pancake day we enjoyed some imaginative roleplay as we pretended to make our own pancakes! We shared the story “The Wolfs Pancakes” and made our own lists of what ingredients we need to make pancakes but unlike the characters in the story, we all helped each other and were very kind and helpful! We enjoyed eating some yummy pancakes! For Valentine’s Day we focused on what love means to us and how it makes us feel! We enjoyed taking it in turns to each give our friends compliments and describe what we love about each other! We made some beautiful Valentine’s Day cards too! Today we have had an amazing day celebrating Chinese new year! We have enjoyed lots of Chinese crafts - paintings, making dragon paper chains and Chinese fans! We had lots of fun dancing to Chinese music with our dragons! We also learnt about the Great Wall of China and got busy building our own version in the construction area! Of course we enjoyed some yummy food tasting and tasted some Chinese food! We also made our own fortune cookies in our Playdough area! We’re sure you’ll agree we’ve been very busy and had so much fun! We’re looking forward to a week off ready to come back after half term for lots more fun and learning! We hope all our families have an amazing half term!


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Rainbow Fish

Today, we have been learning about different emotions, talking about what we can feel and what makes us feel that way. We decided to focus on the story ‘Rainbow Fish’ as we thought this gives us lots of opportunities to talk about different feelings as we refer to the characters throughout the story. After watching the story, we got creative and made our very own shiny scales. The children loved getting creative, choosing different colours and materials to design their own scale. Once we had all made our individual scale, we added them onto our rainbow fish costume to make a real life rainbow fish. For group time, we used this to bring the story to life! While acting out the story, the children noticed the different emotions for each story character. At the end of the story, the rainbow fish began to share the scales with her friends. The children noticed that the fish was no longer sad and instead was happy again! Everyone then took their indvidual scale that they had been given and stuck it on to our rainbow fish picture. The children was so proud of themselves for all working together to create a beautiful rainbow fish. It’s took pride and place on our wow wall!

Today our sign of the day is ‘sad’. This fitted in perfectly with our theme as the children used the sign for sad when talking about the characters feelings. Take a look at our ‘sign of the day’ and sign it at home!

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Grinch Themed Day! 

Today was our Grinch day St Marks Preschool! We enjoyed a Grinch themed snack, before exploring all our Grinch themed activities. We couldn’t believe it when we got a knock at the door and it was the Grinch himself! The Grinch came into preschool to say hello to all of the children and he even stayed to have dance with us all. We ended a great day by sharing a Grinch story while enjoying a yummy hot chocolate. What another lovely Christmas themed day!


Santa Claus is coming to St Marks Preschool! 🎅

This afternoon we had our Christmas stay & play and what a turn out we had!! A massive thank you to all of the families that came to join in with all the fun. We had the best afternoon with you and your children. We also can’t believe that we was even lucky enough to get a visit from Santa himself. If we wasn’t feeling Christmassy we definitely are now!


Happy Diwali!

We had so much fun celebrating the Hindu festival of lights yesterday! We came to preschool dressed in bright colours and enjoyed a variety of different activities and experiences to help us learn and understand about this festival! We made salt dough candle tea light holders and decorated them in bright colours and of course lots of glitter! We designed our very own Mehndi hand art and had lots of fun decorating paper hands and even each others real hands! We shared a story all about Diwali and enjoyed watching some interesting videos!

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Remembrance Day!
Today we visited the cenotaph in the town centre to lay some of the children’s art work to show our respects for our fallen soldiers. We have been talking about remembrance day this week, learning about who and why we are remembering. The children enjoyed seeing the cenotaph and the poppies for themselves and took great pride in laying the poppies they have made.


                            We are back!                              

We have had the most amazing couple of weeks welcoming everyone back after the summer holidays! We have also loved getting to know all of our new children and their families! We have been super busy participating in several different activities to find out about our children’s likes, dislikes and interests! Take a look at what we he have been getting up to…


                            Leavers Fest!                                


On Friday we said goodbye to our graduates 2023. Wow what an emotional day it was 🥹💜 We started off the day by inviting all our families into watch the children’s graduation ceremony. We couldn’t of been any more prouder of all the children. They all sang and danced their little hearts out! Once the ceremony was finished we said bye to our families as it was then time to celebrate! 🎉 The children entered LeaversFest via the VIP entrance with their VIP wrist bands and the festival began. The children enjoyed playing several festival themed games. Each game they earned a ticket which had their points earned on. Once all the games was finished, the children headed over to the prize stall to count up their tickets and choose a prize. It was then time to eat a festival theme lunch before our special visitor arrived. In the afternoon ‘Dazzle the Clown’ came to LeaversFest to preform some magic tricks. The children loved the magic show, they giggled all the way through it and even learnt some magic themselves. Once the show was over, we enjoyed some festival dancing and got to have some yummy candy floss. We finished off the day by saying an emotional goodbye to all our children and their families. Each child received a special gift that will help them remember St Marks Preschool forever. We would like to take this opportunity to wish all our graduates the best of luck for their next adventure. We know they are going to ‘rock’ their big school! A big thank you to all our amazing families for all the lovely kind messages, cards and gifts we have received. We really are one big St Marks Family and we will always be here for you all. We hope everyone has a lovely Summer break and we will look forward to welcoming some of our children back in September as well as welcoming some new children and families into the St Marks Family. 💜



                                                                          Busy Term! 

We can’t believe we’re approaching the end of another half term already! They say “time flies when you’re having fun” and that’s definitely true for us in preschool! The weeks are running away with us! We’ve been so busy having lots of fun, making sure our children have fun, stimulating activities and opportunities all the time they’re with us! We’re getting ready for our final half term of the academic year and we’ll be coming back for our final term with plenty more fun and learning! We’re already working hard to plan and make sure our next and last term of the year is OUTSTANDING!!! We hope all our children and families have the best half term!

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                                                                          Easter Fun! 

We have had such fun over the last few days getting ready to celebrate Easter! We have been thinking about why we celebrate Easter and have enjoyed lots of different ways to learn all about it and as you can see, we have some very eggcited children! We have made our own chocolate cornflake cakes, designed some of our own eggs as well as being lucky enough to have our very own visit from the Easter Bunny! We have learnt about the Christian story of Easter and have learnt some makaton signs to help us communicate about Easter! We finished the week off with a lovely visit to the park! We hope all of our families have an amazing half term and Easter break! 🐣🥚🐰

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                                                   World Book Day 2023! 📚

What fun we have had celebrating World Book Day! We LOVE stories at St Marks Preschool and so World Book Day is one of our favourite celebrations where we get to bring so many stories to life! This year all the team dressed up in a Toy Story theme and the children loved playing in our Toy Story Tuff Tray! Our water area turned into a Mr. Jelly tray where the children loved playing and feeling the jelly in the tray! Our sand area transformed into a scene from the Ugly Duckling! The children loved acting out the story “The Three Billy Goats Gruff” at our Playdough station and we all had the best time making our rockets just like in the story “Whatever Next!” in our creative area! We all had the best time exploring the Gruffalo sensory trays…. From Gruffalo crumble… Owl ice cream…. Roasted fox and even Scrambled Snake - you name it we explored it! And we brought the story “The Hungry Caterpillar” to life too and enjoyed feeding our own caterpillar! We all had great fun - to hear so many phrases from so many stories coming from the children and seeing the stories being acted out was just amazing! Thank you to all our parents & families for sending your child’s favourite book into preschool and also for all the amazing costumes! It really was a great day!

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                                                                          Pancake Day! 

We had a great time celebrating pancake day earlier this week! The children enjoyed playing and exploring pretending to make their own pancakes and then they got to make their own real pancakes for snack! Yummy! 🥞

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                                                                          British Heart Foundation 

This months stay and play had a “hearty” theme! We loved sharing some Valentine and heart themed activities and experiences with all of our families…. Thank you so much to everyone who came! Today we have been raising money for the amazing cause that is the British Heart Foundation! We have had a red/ pink themed day and enjoyed making and decorating our own love hearts, exploring our calming love heart petal water tray, matching the correct number of red objects to the right number and we also shared the most amazing story about a “Little Panda and her Super Heart!” A massive thank you to our real life super hero Ivy and her Mummy and Daddy Chloe and Stu for allowing us to share your story and raise awareness and funds for a great cause! Today we have raised a total of £70!! A massive thank you to everyone for your donations! We hope everyone had a lovely morning!

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                                                                          Chinese New Year!

Happy Chinese New Year! “Gong hey fat choy!” What fun we’ve had today starting the Chinese New Year celebrations! We have loved enhancing our areas of provision to trigger the children to play and explore with the things we’re learning about! We’ve started to learn about the country China - looking at where on the globe China is and thinking about how we would get there! Today we have enjoyed thinking… and learning… and tasting some Chinese food! We have cooked our own noodles and tasted some traditional Chinese foods such as curries! We all enjoyed sharing a fortune cookie and reading our fortune messages! We can’t wait for the fun to continue all week! 🐇🇨🇳

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                            Christmas has arrived!

Christmas 2022 has arrived at St Marks Preschool and our elves are busy busy busy as they help prepare for the big day! The children are having lots of festive fun in our Elf Workshop! They are working hard to design the perfect gift as they draw their plans on our clipboards, i pads and blue print! This is all before they get busy working hard to build that special gift! We’ve got lots of different resources to help the elves… blocks, bricks, tools… you name it! Finally it’s off to our gift wrapping station for the presents to be wrapped up before being placed in Santas sack ready for Christmas Eve! Santas just a phone call away as the Elves check to see who’s on the good list! We can’t wait for all the festive fun we’ll be having for the next few weeks!

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                                                                          Halloween Party!

We had a lovely day on Monday celebrating Halloween! Thank you to all our families who came to our stay and play session! We enjoyed lots of spooky themed activities and experiences and we had lots of amazing fancy dress costumes too!

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Today we are remembering and celebrating the life of Queen Elizabeth ll.

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                                                                     Start of term!

We had the most amazing week last week as we started a brand new term! We welcomed all our families back who we missed lots over summer and have also been enjoying welcoming lots of new families to our preschool family! Our children never fail to amaze us and last week has been no exception… we couldn’t have asked for our children to settle in any better than what they have! It is such a pleasure to see the children playing and making friends and having so much fun! To say we’ve missed preschool is an understatement… and we don’t think we’re the only ones judging by the smiles on everyone’s faces.. (not to mention the smiles on our parents faces 😁)!


                                                                      Graduation 2023

 We are thinking of and sending lots of love, hugs and good luck to all our children who left us in July to start their adventures in big school! We know you are all more than ready to “rock big school” and will treasure the time and memories you made at preschool with us! We absolutely loved spending our last day celebrating with our Graduation ceremony and a day at the Safari Park!

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                                                                      First Aid  

This week we have been so lucky to run a first aid session for our parents and carers. The session was ran by Amy and covered emergency first aid in both adults and children - focussing on CPR and choking. The information that was delivered to our parents was simply invaluable. We obviously hope that no one will ever have to use the skills they learnt, but in the event that anyone is ever faced with such an awful situation, our parents and carers are now equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to potentially save a life!

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                                                                      Sponsored Walk!

Today our St Mark’s family completed our sponsored walk! What a turn out we had…. Thank you so much to each and every person who came to complete our walk today! We had so much fun completing our 2 laps of the park and the children have raised so much money in sponsors… we can’t begin to thank everyone enough! We knew today was going to be a lovely day but it was made even more special as we were joined on our walk by a very special little girl and her family!!! Our very own Superhero Ivy and her family gave us THE most AMAZING surprise when they turned up and joined us to complete the walk together! We still can’t believe how well Ivy has done since her cardiac arrest and she continues to amaze everyone every day. We know that without the amazing expertise from everyone who has helped Ivy through this, things could have been very different which is why we are raising funds to give back and say a MASSIVE thank you to those people! There’s still time to get the total raised even higher - you can still use the link to donate or to buy raffle tickets - the raffle will be drawn on Monday 4th April! In our final fundraising event, Sarah and Carla are also climbing Snowdon to help increase the total even further! You can also sponsor them using the link below! Once again, thank you so much for everything! ❤️

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                                                                      Lunar New Year Celebrations!

Today we extended our Chinese New Year celebrations to the Mongolian Lunar New year! We want to so say a massive thank you to one of our families who helped support us in understanding all about Mongolian New Year's Day! To join in with the tradition, today we have enjoyed a 'family' meal altogether as we enjoyed some food tasting. We tried some noodles, rice and a variety of curries and prawn crackers with sweet chilli dipping sauce. We all tried to use chop sticks to try our food with too! The children have been learning about some of the traditions to help share happiness, luck and health including the red wallets with a golden coin inside. 

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                                                                      Halloween Party!

                                                                      Chinese New Year!

"Gong hei fat choy' or 'Happy Chinese New year!'. Today we began our Chinese New Year celebrations. As this is the year of the tiger, we used one of our favourite stories to enhance our tuff tray .. 'The tiger that came to tea.' We have already had so much fun and the fun will continue all week. The children have took on roles in our Chinese restaurant ; taking orders and cooking food or being the customer and ordering food from the menu. We have also been finding out about fortune cookies and extending our exploration in our play dough station making our own today. We have been watching videos about how this is celebrated all over the world and we took part in our own celebrations such as dragon dancing and making our own dragons! 

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                                                                      Halloween Party!

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                                                                   Starting 2022 with lots of fun!

We love looking back on the photographs we have taken through the week! We never fail to suprise even ourselves at just much fun and endless outstanding learning opportunities we provide day after day! All this fun and learning has happened just this week! The children have had lots of fun bringing stories to life, learning about actions words and prepositions, measuring with coloured spaghetti and even playing letter pong! 

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                                                                      First Activate Fun Session of 2022!

We have loved our first activate fun session of 2022! Today we learnt how to play rugby! We enjoyed warming up our bodies then on to lots of fun developing our passing and kicking skills. Thanks Danny!


This week we had the privilege of preforming our Christmas sing song in St Marks Church! It was a truly magical morning and we are still bursting with proud with how well our children did! A massive thank you to St Mark's Church for hosting us and another massive thank you to all our families who came and joined in our Christmas sing song! DVD's and USB's have arrived!

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                                                                     Frozen Day!

What a way to finish for the Christmas half term! We have has the most wonderful day enjoying our 'Frozen' theme! As you can see we all had so much fun dressing up and playing/exploring in the amazing enhancements and experiences all around preschool! Seeing the children's faces as they walked in and hearing things through out the day from them such as "this is the best day ever" is just amazing! We hope everyone has an amazing Christmas and we will see yoin the New Year! 

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                                                                      Breakfast with Santa! 

Breakfast with Santa and Christmas party 2021 at St Marks Preschool today! It was such a lovely morning and every one has so much fun! How luck was we to not only have Santa pop in to give our children a present.. but he also stayed for breakfast with the children. The children loved asking Santa lots of questions and now have the answers to what to leave out for him and his reindeer on Christmas Eve. When Santa had to leave, our party started! Lots of festive fun and party games galore! 

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                                                                      Christmas has begun!

Christmas has officially arrives at St Mark's Preschool and it is definitely the most wonderful time of the year! The children have loved putting up  our Christmas tree and decorating it all together. We have created a 'winter wonderland' in our role-play area where all things Christmassy and wintery will be going on. Our hot chocolate making station has been a massive hit and the imagination role-play has been magical to be a party of! We brought this experience to life by making our very own real hot choclates. The children have also been getting creative creating some Christmas pictures/crafts. 

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This week we have been celebrating Diwali and bonfire night! We have enjoyed reading stories and using the internet to find out more information about these celebrations. We have made our own Mehndi patterns on hand prints, explored colour in our Diwali tuff tray. We made our own candle holders and hope our families light the candles at home together to celebrate Diwali together! We have also been learning about how to keep safe at bonfire night and enjoyed stories around our own bonfire, as well as moving our bodies to represent fireworks in our music and movement sessions. 

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                                                                      Food Bank Donations!

Our amazing families have been donating food items for the past few weeks since we started our Harvest celebrations. During these few weeks, we have ran an 'in house' food bank to all our families who could help themselves to what ever food items they needed! Today ,as it is our last day before we break up for half term, we took a trip to our local food bank at Teardrops to donate all the remaning donated food items. As we have talked about this a lot over the past few weeks in preschool, the children knew they were doing a really amazing thing today and we celebrated that we have worked together to help thoese who need it. Thank you to everyone who has donated! 

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                                                                      We remember - Remembrance Day!

This week we have been learning about Remembrance day and supporting the children to understand what we were doing and why. We enhanced our play dough table with green pipe cleaners and red and black play dough for the children to design their own poppy's. We used tissue paper to make a poppy the children could take home and talk about their understanding and learning. 

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                                                                      Outstanding Party!

This months stay and play session wasn't an ordinary stay and play session.. it was our OUTSTANDING stay and play party for all our families and children! We had the BEST morning and would like to thank all of our amazing families and children! Ro see so many of our families join us to celebrate really meant the world to us! We hope  you enjoyed today as much as we did and one again - thank you for being OUTSTANDING!

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                                                                      Stay and Play!

This morning enjoyed our first stay and play session in over 18 months! A massive thank you to all our families who came this morning - we have missed welcoming everyone in for these sessions!

We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! 

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                                                                      Halloween Party!

We had the best time at our halloween party this week! We was amazed with how fantastic everyone looked and really had the most fun! We choose the story 'room on the broom' as a fitting story theme which extended into our play dough station! The children enjoyed getting messy exploring pumpkin gloop in the creative area and potion making in the tuff tray. We loved finding the spiders in the slime and with every party, we had lots of fun party games and party food! 

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                                                                      Autumn hunt

We have been continuing with our Autumn topic and had endless fun! WE had so much fun when we enjoyed a trip to the park to have a hands on learning experience and find some more Autumn treasures ourselves. Our children and their families have also enjoyed sharing Autumn walks together at home with our 'Autumn Treasure Bags'. It has been so lovely seeing so many of our families get involved and extend your child's learning at home - so thank you! All these treasures have played an invaluable role in the activities and experiences we have has in preschool - from leaf rubbing and painting to autumnal ice investigation. 

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                                                       Autumn leaves are falling down! 

The children have loved learning all about all thing Autumn! Autumn leaves began to fall into preschool today. We used the parachute to represent the wind and make the leaves fly through the sky! We finished the activity by having a hands on experience exploring the leaves their colour and texture. After reading a story all about hedgehogs, we couldn't resits making our own in our play dough station. We also made our very own Autumn tree's in the creative area. We discussed the changes that we have noticed from the real leaves in our autumn tray and represented this through our pictures by choosing similar colours and textures. What a fun day we have had! 

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                                                                      Activate Fun Session!

We love our activate fun sessions! We learn new skills and most importantly - have so much fun! 

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   Class of 2021 

Well that is it! Our graduates of 2021 have now officially graduated and what a day it has been! We have had the most amazing day and we made sure the children's last day was a memorable one. We started off the morning with a graduation performance that was steamed to all our parents/carers. The children loved taking part in the performance and amazed us with their singing and signing as they have been working really hard over the past couple of weeks to sign a song in makaton just for the preformace. It was emotional to watch! Once we graduated we started our circus theme party! We had dancing, party games, pop corn, candy floss and a circus themed lunch. We was then lucky enough to be visited by ' The Party People' who provided us with lots of fun games and activities including, plate spinning and and we even got to take part in our very our cat walk. We then ended the day by taking all the children outside to greet their families. We awarded each child a certificate and special memorable gifts to remember us by. 

We have had the best day and we hope all the children will always remember their preschool graduation. We would like to wish all our school leavers all the luck in the world - even though we know they wont need it and are ready to show their teachers what superstars they are! To all our children and families have a lovely summer break and we will see you all in September ready for a new fun and busy term at St Mark's Preschool! 

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                                                                      England Celebrations!

We have had a day full of England celebrations today! The children came into preschool wearing sporty clothes ready for a football themed day. The children have been busy creating and decorating their own footballs and football kits. This morning the children enjoyed a penalty shoot out which was refereed by our own Suzie bear. Suzie bear awarded treat box for the best penalty. This afternoon we all headed outside for a game of football. Before we went out, we prepared for the big game. We all lined up and sang the national anthem. After taking part in some stretches we was ready to head out to the pitch and play the game. We had some amazing players and goals, we hope england have the same on Sunday. St Mark's Preschool are behind you England! What a great day! 

   The Tiger That Came to Tea! 

 Today we practiced one of our important procedures. We we practice this procedure least once a term to ensure all the staff and children are fully aware of the procedure in the event of us needing to follow it. Sarah blew the whistle 3 times, the children was encouraged to walk quietly to the carpet and sit down. We told the children that a tiger has escaped from the safari park and the ranger has just rang us to inform us it has been seen near preschool. We had to stay really quiet so the tiger couldn’t hear us. While Carla went to check all the doors and windows was locked so the tiger couldn’t come in to preschool, Sarah read the story ‘The Tiger That Came to Tea’. Once the story was finished, the phone rang - it was the ranger again! He told us that the tiger has been caught and he is on the way back to the safari park. He even told us the tiger was sat in the bus stop near preschool, the range thinks he was trying to get on a bus, the children thought this was very funny! After that phone call the children then went back to play as normal but was very curious to how the tiger escaped and to find our what the tigers name was!

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                                                                       Paediatric First Aid 

The St Mark's Preschool team have been busy today taking part in paediatric first aid training. After a day of learning we are pleased to say that all our staff members are level 3 paediatric first aiders!

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                                                                    Garden Plot Visit!

This afternoon we finally got to visit our garden plot over in Victoria Park! It's been so long since we've been able to go over - and we could tell by how much our garden plot has grown. We have worked hard together to make a start at tidying the garden up. We also couldn't walk part the park without having some fun altogether for the first time in what seems like forever! It was an absolute pleasure watching and hearing the children's reactions to our outing today.. "I'm so happy right now!" E told her friend! 'I've missed coming here!" A shared. 

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                                                                   St.George's Day Celebrations!
Happy St.George's day! Today we have had lots of fun celebrating St.Georges day. To find out what is it and why we celebrate we used the internet to watch a video. Then we enjoyed lots of fun activities such as deigning our own coats of arms shields, painting the English flag, using knights and dragons to enhance our play dough station and we even enjoyed some role play where we acted out own own interpretation of what happened to the dragon, the princess and St.George. 

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                                                                   A world without words!

This morning we shared a very special book in preschool called 'can you image a world without words?'. It's a book about a little boy who lives in St.Helens and the author is his mummy, Natalie Musker. The book helped us to step into the life of the little boy with non-verbal autism and we tried to imagine a world with out words. the children very quickly responded with "I'd feel sad" "I'd feel lonely". It was a great book to share to encourage the children to always be kind and friendly.  

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                                                                   Celebrating Holi!

Today we have celebrated the Hindu festival of colour "Holi", as you can see, we had so much fun! We watched a video explaining what Holi is and how it is celebrated before letting the fun begin. We used water balloons filled with coloured water, coloured chalks, powder paint and filled eggs with paint for some 'smashing fun'. We enjoyed some traditional dancing as we enjoyed spreading these colours. T told everyone - "it looks like a massive rainbow". 

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                                                                   St Patricks Day!
We have had a great day celebrating St. Patrick's Day in preschool! We started the day by using a book and the computer to find out why we celebrate St. Patricks Day and learning about St Patrick himself! Then we found some iconic features of St. Patrick's day such as shamrocks and leprechauns! We have enjoyed painting with potatoes, making our own shamrocks in our play dough station and making a big rainbow. We shared a story about how the Irish fairy visits rainbows and leaves a pot of gold at the end. To our amazement in the afternoon, we noticed something at the end of our rainbow... our very own envelope filled with cold coins  - the children was amazed! We finished off the day listening to a variety of Irish music as well as learning a small Irish dance. 
                                                             Growing of our Chicks!
Its been such a lovely experience that we have been able to share with the children this week. As of today, we have seen 5 eggs hatch. The children and their families have also chose the names of each chick so thank you for your amazing suggestions! The children have watched in awe all week! We have had the privilege of watching a couple actually hatch from the egg. The children have cared for the eggs and chicks so well and their knowledge and understanding of the life cycle of a chick and also the importance of looking after and caring for them has developed invaluably. Well done to each and everyone of our children .. we can't wait for Monday so we can continue our experiences and see if any more eggs have hatched. 
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                                                          Chick's Arrival 
Today was a very egg-citing day in preschool!
It saw the arrival of some very special chick eggs!
 We are very excited to be able to share the experiences of looking after and caring for the eggs and observing the changes as the chicks get to hatch. The children have been so excited but they have already done an amazing job at looking after the eggs.  
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                                                 World Book Day - 2021
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                                                                              Welcome Back!
We have had a fun filled first week back at preschool! This morning, we have had lots of fun making our very own bird feeders for in our garden area. We used some bread, butter and bird seeds before treading a pipe cleaner though and hanging them on our tree in the garden. We are so excited to see if the birds come for a bite to eat. We have also been busy baking in preschool this week, we made two cheesecakes this week. the first week we encouraged the children to add ingredients that they think goes into a cheese cake. We allowed the children to freely add the ingredients of their choice and estimate the amount of each ingredient needed. We then put it in to the fridge to set. Later on it was taste time, we think everyone would agree it didn't taste like cheese cake so we decided to make it again but this time we decided to use the internet this time. We used the internet to find a recipe, we followed the recipe and weighed out all our ingredients following the information we seen. After putting it in to the fridge to set, we tasted the finish product and it was save to say this one tasted so much nicer! the children enjoyed tasting the yummy cake that they worked hard to prefect. Great job guys! 
if you would like to make a no bake cheesecake at home click below for a simple but yummy cheesecake recipe...
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                                                                                 Pancake Day!
Pancake day falling in the half term was never going to stop us celebrating .. so today pancake day came early to St Marks Preschool! This morning we shared a story called 'Mr Woolfs pancakes' We loved this story! As we got ready to make our own pancakes 'E' told their friend "if you ask for help to make these, i will help you!". We enjoyed playing and pretending to make pancakes in our tuff tray and in our dough station before getting to make the real thing for snack time. We talked about the ingredients we needed and about keeping safe.. and then the fun began! With some help we even got to flip our own pancake. We chose our own toppings and enjoyed the yummiest of pancakes. We can't wait for pancake day  next week even more now!
                                                                       Online Safety Awareness! 
Today we have celebrated 'safer internet day'. At story time this morning we shared a new story in preschool. The children really enjoyed the story 'Troll Stinks' and once again amazed us with their understanding and appreciation of the meaning of the story. We spoke about the importance of keeping safe online and discussed the ways which we do so both at home and at preschool. We also talked about the importance of being kind every where including online. We promote internet and devices safety in preschool everyday and the children are actively involved in making sure the devices and websites they are using are safe and they know when to ask for help or advice. If you would like to read this story at home please click on the link button below... 
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                                               Valentines Day Celebrations
Today we have shared some lovely stories which have talked about the meaning of love, and who and why you might love someone. We have slow danced to some Valentine themed music, made love potions and we have been busy writing some messages for those we love! Our play dough table is enhanced with making our own roses using coloured play dough and pipe cleaners and we have also enjoyed a special valentines themed candle lit snack today with love heart crumpets and treats.  We have had such a lovely day to finish off our half term. We'll see you all when we return on Monday 22nd February - when the fun and learning can resume! Happy Valentines Day everyone!
                                                Chinese New Year Celebrations!
Today we have started our Chinese New Year celebrations! We have had so much fun! We started the day off by reading a story and watching a video which told us lots about Chinese  New Year, how we prepare for it and how it is celebrated. We then put what we have learnt into practice. We had so much fun pretending to make our own noodles and rice in the tuff tray and delivering the food to our Chinese restaurant. The children enjoyed dressing up and even enjoyed writing their names in Chinese and using the play dough to make our own Chinese dumplings. you can't celebrate Chinese New Year without tasting some yummy Chinese food! The children cooked their own noodles and tasted them along with rice, two different types of Chinese curries and some prawn crackers and dips! The children have also took a Chinese New Year envelope with a chocolate coin home.  Press the buttons below to learn all about Chinese New Year at home ..
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                                               Mental Health Awareness Week
This week we have been busy promoting Mental Health. We have been so busy taking part in a variety of activities that has gave us the confidence to explore and express our feelings, talk about other peoples feelings and building on our own confidence to love ourselves. On Monday, we introduced our 'calming corner' where we have enjoyed listening to relaxing music while sharing books and colouring. We have also enjoyed  a 'positive friendship' sessions where in pairs we shared something nice about each-other and took part in pair co-ordinations to different rhymes. We also started a positivity jar, where each child has chosen to add something positive to say. We fill up the jar and keep looking back at these positive vibes when we need them most. Of course as its children's mental health, it's really important to us at St.Mark's Preschool to make sure the people who are shaping those little minds are looked after so we treated our staff members to some flowers, a candle and a face mask so they know how important they are to us! On Tuesday and Wednesday the children worked hard to make their very own candle holders to take home and share with their families. We enhanced our dough station with some relaxing herbs, 'A' told us they didn't like the smells but 'N' told us that he did - this was a great talking point for how different people feels and think but neither are right or wrong! On Wednesday we dressed to impress! We invited the children to chose what they wore at preschool that day that best's expresses themselves. It was great to see a variety of outfits... we had pyjamas, casual comfy clothes, fancy dress costumes and some very expressive hairstyles. Thursday we took part in some calming yoga and enhanced our dough station and water with some lemons and lavender. On Friday we ended the week by inviting the children to come dressed as a superhero! We thought this was a perfect way for our children to think about and understand unique and special each of of them really are! We started off the day with the question "What's your superhero power?" Each child told us the superpower of the superhero they was dressed as. the day went on and we helped the children to realise and appreciate that everyone has their own special super power and they should be so proud of that power! We have had a wonderful week celebrating Mental health Week and knowing our children had lots of fun while recognising, learning about and understanding the importance of looking after our mental health. 
Even though this week's focus has been promoting children's mental health, we don't and shouldn't forget ourselves, the adults, families and carers that care for the children. It is important that we look after ourselves to ensure we can care for the children the best we can. If you need any support please don't hesitate to contact us and will help you the best way we can! 
Please see some helpful links below .... 
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                                               Last Day of Term - Snow Man Theme Day! 
The children loved our snow man themed day all based on the Christmas film 'Snowman and the snow dog'. We have had the most magical day with snowman theme activities, games and a snowman theme lunch! Is there any other way to end the day with a snow! Something truly magical happened at preschool... 
During story time, we read a Christmas story called 'William's Wish'.  In the story William wished for snow. All the children decided they wanted to wish for snow just like William, so after chanting our wish came true 0 it snowed in preschool!! We couldn't believe it! The children was amazed that their wish came true and they loved dancing and playing in the snow. We waved the children off at home time and the snow appeared outside too. We hope our families and children loved the snow surprise at home time. we hope the magic continues and everyone has a truly magical Christmas! 
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                                                                    Christmas Party!
What a wonderful Christmas party we have had! There was festive fun and laughter throughout the day. We enjoyed singing, dancing, and good old fashion party games. We had to pin the nose on the Rudolph and had lots of fun bashing the reindeer piñata! Everyone enjoyed a Christmas themed lunch and we quickly noticed signs that a visitor must have been into preschool last night while we was all sleeping. When we checked the video footage.. we couldn't believe our eyes. Santa himself had sneaked into preschool and left us a very special message and even a gift each - seeing the children's faces was just magical! 
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                                                                   Tinsel the Elf! 
Tinsel the elf brought all the children a special Christmas treat! We all come to preschool wearing  our pyjamas ready to watch a virtual pantomime. Tinsel left us some yummy hot chocolates to enjoy, marshmallows that we could toast and a gingerbread man house to build in teams. What a magical day! 
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                                                            Christmas Nativity
This week we have been busy recording our nativity for 2020! As with everything this year - our nativity is very different to how we normally put on a show but we think all our families will definitely enjoy the show when they come to watch the DVD's with their little ones! We would also like to thank all our families for your support and cooperation as we have prepared for this years nativity. 
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                          It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in preschool! The children have absolutely LOVED our 'Festive fun Factory'. We know Santa's mail room will already be bursting - just with the amount of letters our children in preschool. The children have put so much effort into making their own letters - some have cut out things they want from catalogues and stuck them to their letters, some have amazed us and wrote exactly what they want. We have loved making lots of different crafts to take home and we even created our very own bells to participate in the 'Doorbell Jingle'  with the community. The children was also very excited when we got a visit from Tinsel the elf. She brought us special advert calendar and many different surprises on the run up to Christmas! 
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                          Bonfire Night Celebrations 
We hope all our families have a lovely night celebrating bonfire night whatever you are doing! The week in preschool we have had so much fun learning all about bonfire night and d fireworks! We've discussed the importance of keeping safe and we keep save. We have been very creative with crafts, painting, chalks and glitter making our very own fireworks. We even used our bodies to represent being a fireworks in our music and movement session and today we enjoyed making our very edible sparklers for snack. 
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                          Remembrance Day! 
Lest we forget! This week we have talked about Remembrance Sunday and how it marks the end of the war. We have watched a video from CBeebies titled 'Poppies' and talked about the importances of remembering and being thankful for what the armed services have done and continued to do for us. As we can't make our annual visit to the cenotaph this year, each child made their own poppy wreath and took them home. We hope the talks about the importance of remembering continued at home. 
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                          St Helen's Scarecrow festival!
Along with the St Helen's community, St Mark's preschool have been working hard to create our very own scarecrows in aid of Willowbrook hospice. The children have been learning the importance of this charity and have loved getting creative for a great cause! The children was so proud of themselves and give each other a big clap. 
 We are very pleased to introduce you to ... 
Sally the scarecrow! 